Is Premature Ejaculation Is Just A Mental Problem?
The perception that an inability to last in bed is a purely mental problem is quite widespread. Up until only recently, even many so-called experts perpetrated this myth.
Premature Ejaculation Myth #5: It’s All A Mental Problem
This theory became popular in the ’60s and 70’s when psychologists attempted to ascribe a whole range of conditions to mental factors. In fact, even asthma was once thought to be a purely psychological condition.
It’s Not All In Your Head
It is now understood that for men wanting to last longer in bed, they have to tackle the problem by addressing both the mental and physical issues, and in fact for many men, once they have worked on some of their physical control and responses, mental issues that may be effecting control will often subtract on their own.
Training Can Prevent Premature Ejaculation
All too often when something is not understood the easiest thing to do is to call it a mental problem, yet as we now understand more about the male sexual response and the physical workings of the ejaculatory it becomes clear, that men who are unable to last in bed have trouble controlling their ejaculatory and pelvic muscles.
This is a physical process and you can complete specific training exercises to increase your physical control.
While it is important to improve your mental control and get your thoughts in order, equally important is to work on increasing the physical control of your ejaculatory response.
The best way to learn how to last longer before coming is to use a dual approach that corrects both the mental and physical triggers for early ejaculation.
Myth 5 – “Kegels exercises can help you prevent premature ejaculation?”