If you experience premature ejaculation, trying to find some good solid advice on how you can learn to last longer in bed can be extremely hard. Everywhere you look you’ll find people trying to tell you that you have some major condition or illness – These are normally the same fraudsters who will no doubt try to make a buck by pushing their expensive treatments sprays, pills, and other snake oils… There’s no need for any of these gimmicks and here’s why…
The only reason you can’t last as long in bed as the next guy is because you haven’t yet learned about how your body works during sex and the massive amount things you can do to control it. Now there’s a lot to learn – and you need to do it the right way if it’s going to work but the good news is that what I have to show you will work for any man – no matter how bad your premature ejaculation is now…
It’s true… For every three men out there, one of them will have experienced this embarrassing problem at some point in their lives. That’s a lot of men out there who lack the control in bed to satisfy their partners during sex
In fact… this problem is one of the most common causes of relationship stress and break-ups, cheating, and low self-esteem. But here’s where the real problem lies…
Before we get to the rest of it, I’d like to introduce you to Adam Vance’s fantastic guide to treating premature ejaculation. It’s called the Stamina Coach and it is a great guide to help you last longer in bed. Along with my own program, the Stamina Coach is also recommended by me for men who are looking to build bedroom stamina. Here, Adam has provided a great list of ways to last longer in bed.
It really is quite simple to learn how to last much longer in bed (more on this shortly), but the sad truth is that most men are too scared to ever do anything about this problem.
If you are ready to say goodbye to your hair-trigger and start enjoying long sessions of real sex… Then let me work with you to show you exactly how together we are going to do this.
You see, this method is working for thousands of men right now. Men just like you who are quickly learning how to last longer during sex naturally and discovering what real, long-lasting, powerful sex is all about.
It’s true… These methods are breathtakingly powerful – and I’ll show you how they will work for you, no matter how much of a hair-trigger you may have – but they have to be done the right way.. I’ll explain this shortly
You’re sick of embarrassing yourself each and every time you get into bed with a woman, and you want to know how to last longer in bed…
You’ve probably been living with this problem for a while, so I won’t waste your time making fake claims or trying to build up your hope…
P.S. My Wife also says thanks
If dramatic improvements like this would make a difference to you and your life, then take a few minutes to let me explain why I can guarantee that my methods will work just as well for you…
From: James Robinson
Author, researcher, and coach.
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Dear friend,
I’m going to show you how to fix this embarrassing problem today. In fact, what I’m about to reveal will be unlike anything you have ever read, and I promise that after reading this page you will be amazed at just how easy it is for any man, no matter how bad you think your problem is, to last longer in bed.
I’m James Robinson, a sexual health counselor at the Chicago Sexual Health Clinic specializing in teaching men, just like you, how to last longer in bed. In fact, I’m now considered an expert in ejaculation treatment methods – but it hasn’t always been this way…
Not so long ago I was in your exact same position…
You see, years ago I was in the exact same position as you. So I know what it’s like to desperately want to please a woman, but not be able to last long enough to do so.
I know the feeling of inadequacy and the damage this problem is causing to your relationships, your confidence, and your overall well-being.
Today, many of the men, who come to see me at my clinic have tried pills, creams, and other useless products. They have basically given up and have begun to think that it is impossible for them to ever last longer in bed.
If you’re starting to feel this way I want you to stop right now because premature ejaculation is something you don’t have to put up with. It is not part of who you are. It really is behavior that is absolutely fixable.
This is why I put together this program. Everything I’m about to show you is exactly what I taught other men face to face…with a 100% success rate.
If you’re fed up with not being able to last long enough to satisfy a woman, this will be the most helpful information you will ever read…
The fact is, there is more than one trigger for the ejaculation process, and therefore there are various methods of controlling it.
The reason why typical band-aid fixes such as pills creams and other nonsense don’t work is that they don’t go after the root cause of the problem.
There is no need for those pills and other gimmicks. The ability to not just last longer in bed, but to last as long as you want is something you can learn on your own.
All of the methods I’m about to show you are safe, effective, and completely natural. This solution to last longer in bed naturally has been successfully used by thousands of men and works virtually every time. This is why I can guarantee it produces real results that no other alternative can.
Premature ejaculation is not a health problem, disease, or disability. It is just a natural reflex and tensing of pelvic muscles that most of us are never taught how to control.
It is known that certain emotions, thoughts, and perceptions have been proven to contribute to premature ejaculation. It may sound easy to control yourself at the emotional/mental level, but for many men with premature ejaculation, this can be very challenging during sex.
That’s why I’ll reveal a group of powerful techniques that will give you control over these various emotional triggers. And here’s the best part… I’ll show you how to take it a step further… and turn these triggers on their head, so you can use them to your advantage.
The other method, and perhaps the more effective, is to control yourself at the physical level. This involves a number of methods and techniques all geared towards learning how to gain physical control of the ejaculation process.
These will be explained in detail shortly…
You can lower the sensitivity of the ejaculatory reflex by making simple changes in the way you think and handle yourself during intercourse
This is why the program includes techniques developed specifically aimed at controlling premature ejaculation at the emotional/mental level…
These techniques will show you how to control your emotions, your thoughts, and your perception of sex. They are designed to give you a sense of mental control and confidence that most men never have.
They will show you how to last longer and delay ejaculation by keeping your arousal at a controllable level…
In addition, many emotions and thoughts actually cause premature ejaculation. I’ll show you exactly which ones, and how to control them.
Mental control is just the beginning…
The physical aspect of stopping premature ejaculation involves training your ejaculatory reflex. Once you train this reflex it will be under your complete control. You can do this on your own. You don’t need a partner to do this.
The Physical Ejaculatory Reflex Training Involves…
OK, to describe exactly what my program is going to do for you, first I need to explain a little about the stages of arousal during sex…
Stage 1 – Increasing arousal – This is the initial stage, once intercourse has begun as your arousal begins to Increase.
Stage 2 – Plateau – At this stage, you are highly aroused. The head of your penis widens, your testicles increase in size and begin to rise and you will notice a warm feeling around the perineum (area between the testicles and anus).
Stage 3 – Orgasm – At this point, a series of strong contractions in the pelvic floor muscles force semen into the urethra tube. You will then reach a ‘point of no return’, After which ejaculation is inevitable.
It may differ slightly depending on the individual, but the above graph represents what currently goes on each time you have sex. As you can see, the time is short and you move through the stages very quickly.
Now let’s break down exactly what happens during each of the stages of arousal for a man lacking control…
Stage 1 – Right after sex has begun (or even before for some men) your arousal rapidly increases. Your breathing and heart rate quicken and your muscles become tense.
Stage 2 – Now this is the most important stage… this is where you should feel great, but for a man who has trouble lasting in bed, you will quickly go from this stage, straight to orgasm. There is no ‘plateau’, and really no chance to enjoy the strong arousal you are feeling.
Stage 3 – After quickly progressing to the ‘point of no return’ you experience a relatively short, weak orgasm, followed by ejaculation.
As you can see… when it’s like this, sex really isn’t much fun, for either you or her. But don’t stress, because that’s all about to change…
Now let me break down these improvements a little bit further…
Stage 1 – After sex begins you will notice your arousal level increasing, but in a more constant and controlled manner. You will be relaxed and confident, your breathing will be controlled and your muscles will not become overly stressed.
Stage 2 – Notice the key difference here after using my program? This is the stage where you will extend your lasting time the most… which is great news for you because it also happens to be the most enjoyable.
Despite the great sensations, during this stage, you will have the confidence and physical ability to remain completely controlled. You won’t be worrying about cumming too soon, instead, you will be “in the zone”, so you can enjoy this great feeling.
After a few weeks… as you get better and better, you will soon realize that you can now extend this stage for as long as you want.
That’s right… you will choose when to end it. It may be after 20, 30, or 60 minutes or once your partner has orgasmed once, twice, or even more… Either way it will be entirely up to you.
Stage 3 – Once you do decide you are ready for orgasm, you will notice another great hidden benefit of my system.
Your orgasms will be much longer and more powerful. This is because the pressure in your pelvic muscles has been building up for much longer, so when you finally do decide to release, the feeling will be thunderous!
It’s pretty amazing isn’t it? … But these are just the typical kind of improvements seen by men, just like you who have used my course…
These techniques are so effective that I can promise that in a few short weeks you will have gained total control over your ejaculation process. You will not only learn how to last longer in bed, but you will gain the ability to ejaculate when you choose to.
This is an ability that you, along with every other man have the ability to develop. It doesn’t matter how bad your problem is. Remember, premature ejaculation is not a part of who you are. It’s something that can be easily corrected by following my proven step-by-step program – Beating Premature Ejaculation
All that is required of you is a willingness to last longer in bed and that you dedicate yourself and some spare time to follow my step-by-step instructions and apply my methods. If you are willing to put in the small effort it takes then I guarantee results at least 98% of the time. It’s that effective.
I’m so confident my program will help you last longer in bed and become a better lover that I’m prepared to offer you the following guarantee…
60 day Money Back Guarantee I GUARANTEE from this day forward that you will never again have to worry about the embarrassment of premature ejaculation and not lasting long enough in bed…That’s a promise. If you don’t… – Gain the ability to last as long as you choose – Develop the lasting power to satisfy your partner every time – Acquire an awesome feeling of supreme sexual confidence ...within 60 days of using my course, I will gladly refund every penny with no questions asked. James Robinson |
So it’s all 100% risk-free. If for any reason you’re not 110% satisfied with the results you are about to see I’ll give you a full no-questions-asked refund.
I want you to feel great about making this purchase so to sweeten the pot even further, here’s some extra bonuses I’m sure you will find useful… so I’m giving them away free when you order today…
Free Bonus #1
“10 Techniques To Last Longer Tonight” “10 amazingly effective techniques you can use right now to last longer in bed tonight” As good as this booklet is, I can safely say that you can throw it away within a few short weeks, once you have mastered the skills of complete ejaculation control. However, I understand that some of you may have a hot date tonight and need a quick and failsafe way to last longer in bed right now. This is the guide for you. These techniques are not the standard rubbish telling you things like “try masturbating before sex”. They are 10 specific methods you can use during sex that will give you the added lasting time you require right now.
Free Bonus #2
“Premium Lifetime Updates” “Unlimited premium access to all updates and bonus materials” I know for a fact that my Beating Premature Ejaculation system is by far the best program ever put together… but that doesn’t stop me from continuing my research and looking for even more ways to help men last longer in bed. I want you to feel great about this purchase so it’s important for me to offer free and instant access to any future updates I add. This includes new chapters, exercise techniques, and even all-new bonus guides. Even after I increase the price, which I am planning to do shortly, you will still receive free access to download all new premium content and bonuses. |
If you have been suffering with this problem to any degree, I’m sure you have realized by now just how much my Beating Premature Ejaculation program will help you.
In fact, I’m sure you know it’s exactly what you need…
You are probably also wondering how much it costs. Well, don’t worry. I want the life-changing benefits of my program to be available to every man who needs it.
That’s why I’m offering my full program at a price that all men can afford.
Clients I see face to face at my clinic pay $1,027 for this four-week course, and every one of them will tell you it’s worth every penny. The Beating Premature Ejaculation program contains everything I teach my clients, but you won’t be paying anything like that.
Not even half… in fact, not even a tenth.
The thing is… I realize that my program can help millions of men who without it, will go through life never knowing the wonderful feeling of intense long-lasting sex. All men deserve to experience these sensational feelings…
That’s why I’m offering you the full Beating Premature Ejaculation program plus all the bonuses right now for just $69 (Now just $49 for a limited time!).
Think about it… That’s less than you’d spend in just one night taking your girl out to dinner!
As I said, I think this is a price that all men can afford, considering the life-changing benefits you will experience every day for the rest of your life.
You can decide to do nothing about this problem and…
Continue lasting a short time in bed
Be unable to fully satisfy your partner
Never experience the joy of intense and powerful sex
Enjoy powerful sex for as long as you choose
Fully satisfy your partner bringing her to orgasm
Have complete confidence in yourself and your relationships
Now please do something for me…
Imagine downloading my Beating Premature Ejaculation program right now…
Imagine reading through the pages and discovering just what you can do right now to last longer. Then tonight… or even this afternoon, putting it to work for you… and lasting longer in bed. You’ll start to notice ‘that’ feeling of increased control…
You’ll probably see ‘that’ look of surprise on your partner’s happy face – Then tomorrow you’ll be able to go for longer still
Imagine seeing your lasting time grow day by day… until in just a few short weeks from now, you’ll reach a stage when long-lasting, pounding sex is something you’ll take for granted. In fact, this whole messy problem will soon seem like it was just a bad dream…
Imagine finally beating this problem… and having the confidence to know you can satisfy any woman, every time. This is not a distant dream. This is real, It is something that you can achieve, and it’s something you can start right now…
By ordering this program and following the course you understand that:
Not lasting in bed will no longer be a problem for you.
You will learn how to last so much longer by gaining complete control over your ejaculation, so you can last as long as you desire.
You will be a better lover than 90% of all other men because of your sexual staying power, superior knowledge, and unique abilities.
You have a full 60 days to try this program. The risk is all on me. If for any reason this guide doesn’t help you, I will fully refund your money… no questions asked.
Purchase the most effective solution available for curing premature ejaculation...
By James Robinson
Regular price $99Just $49 for a limited time!
Secure payment – Instant download – Money-back guarantee
Everything is available immediately. You can start right now!
Thanks for taking the time to read this information and educate yourself on how easy it can be to learn the skill of lasting in bed.
I know how difficult it is for a man to experience premature ejaculation and how it affects his relationships and overall confidence.
I understand it’s not easy being in your position. After all, I have been there too…
That’s why I hope that after reading this you will realize that there is hope at the end of the tunnel and that premature ejaculation isn’t something you have to live with.
I have complete faith in this program…
That’s why I know that if you have a genuine desire to last longer in bed it will give you the tools and ability to achieve this goal.
Providing excellent customer service is also very important to me. If you have any questions or need advice please contact me any time.
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Yours Sincerely,
James Robinson
“I must admit that I was skeptical at first, but since I was referred to your program by the American Health Network website, which I trust, I decided to give it a go. All I can say is “Wow”. I didn’t realize there were so many things I could do to last longer in bed. Your book put my entire “problem” into focus. I have gone from lasting under a minute to over 35 minutes, and I’m only three weeks into your course.”
My girlfriend asked me “How are you lasting so long?” “Hi there. Thanks!! I wanted to email you regarding your book Beating premature Ejaculation. My premature ejaculation was behind the breakup of my last relationship, and when I met the girl of my dreams just two months ago my problem had got even worse. I knew I had to make a decision right there and then to do something about it. I purchased your book and started practicing your methods straight away. Last night during sex my girlfriend asked me “How are you lasting so long?”. I never thought I’d live to hear a woman say that! It felt so good. Thanks for everything!” –Lorenzo |
“You have truly helped our relationship” “Hi. I got the program for my boyfriend. I had wanted to talk to him about his premature ejaculation problem for a while but didn’t know how to bring it up. Your book helped me learn a lot about what was happening, and made it easier for me to talk about it with him. He has really improved over the last few weeks since using this guide. Thanks, you have truly helped our relationship” –Casey
“Last night when looking into her eyes I could tell that she was truly satisfied” I have been using your program for just one week and last night I was able to last for 20 minutes, and give my girlfriend an orgasm for the first time. She was very understanding of my problem before and told me she was satisfied, but last night when looking into her eyes I could tell that she was truly satisfied. It was the best feeling. I can’t thank you enough!”
As you can see, this program works. Don’t put up with not being able to last in bed for another day. Take action now and put an end to this problem once and for all.
All that is required of you is a true willingness to last longer in bed and that you dedicate yourself and some spare time to follow my step-by-step instructions and apply my methods.
If you are willing to put in the small effort it takes then I guarantee results at least 98% of the time. It’s that effective.
I’m so confident my program will help you last longer in bed and become a better lover that I’m prepared to offer you the following guarantee…
60 day Money Back Guarantee I GUARANTEE from this day forward that you will never again have to worry about the embarrassment of premature ejaculation and not lasting long enough in bed…That’s a promise. If you don’t… – Gain the ability to last as long as you choose – Develop the lasting power to satisfy your partner every time – Acquire an awesome feeling of supreme sexual confidence ...within 60 days of using my course, I will gladly refund every penny with no questions asked. James Robinson |
So it’s all 100% risk-free. If for any reason you’re not 110% satisfied with the results you are about to see I’ll give you a full no-questions-asked refund.
I want you to feel great about making this purchase so to sweeten the pot even further, here’s some extra bonuses I’m sure you will find useful… so I’m giving them away free when you order today…
Free Bonus #1
“10 Techniques To Last Longer Tonight” “10 amazingly effective techniques you can use right now to last longer in bed tonight” As good as this booklet is, I can safely say that you can throw it away within a few short weeks, once you have mastered the skills of complete ejaculation control. However, I understand that some of you may have a hot date tonight and need a quick and failsafe way to last longer in bed right now. This is the guide for you. These techniques are not the standard rubbish telling you things like “try masturbating before sex”. They are 10 specific methods you can use during sex that will give you the added lasting time you require right now.
Free Bonus #2
“Premium Lifetime Updates” “Unlimited premium access to all updates and bonus materials” I know for a fact that my Beating Premature Ejaculation system is by far the best program ever put together… but that doesn’t stop me from continuing my research and looking for even more ways to help men last longer in bed. I want you to feel great about this purchase so it’s important for me to offer free and instant access to any future updates I add. This includes new chapters, exercise techniques, and even all-new bonus guides. Even after I increase the price, which I am planning to do shortly, you will still receive free access to download all new premium content and bonuses. |
If you have been suffering with this problem to any degree, I’m sure you have realized by now just how much my Beating Premature Ejaculation program will help you.
In fact, I’m sure you know it’s exactly what you need…
You are probably also wondering how much it costs. Well, don’t worry. I want the life-changing benefits of my program to be available to every man who needs it.
That’s why I’m offering my full program at a price that all men can afford.
Clients I see face to face at my clinic pay $1,027 for this four-week course, and every one of them will tell you it’s worth every penny. The Beating Premature Ejaculation program contains everything I teach my clients, but you won’t be paying anything like that.
Not even half… in fact, not even a tenth.
The thing is… I realize that my program can help millions of men who without it, will go through life never knowing the wonderful feeling of intense long-lasting sex. All men deserve to experience these sensational feelings…
That’s why I’m offering you the full Beating Premature Ejaculation program plus all the bonuses right now for just $69 (Now just $49 for a limited time!).
Think about it… That’s less than you’d spend in just one night taking your girl out to dinner!
As I said, I think this is a price that all men can afford, considering the life-changing benefits you will experience every day for the rest of your life.
You can decide to do nothing about this problem and…
Continue lasting a short time in bed
Be unable to fully satisfy your partner
Never experience the joy of intense and powerful sex
Enjoy powerful sex for as long as you choose
Fully satisfy your partner bringing her to orgasm
Have complete confidence in yourself and your relationships
Now please do something for me…
Imagine downloading my Beating Premature Ejaculation program right now…
Imagine reading through the pages and discovering just what you can do right now to last longer. Then tonight… or even this afternoon, putting it to work for you… and lasting longer in bed. You’ll start to notice ‘that’ feeling of increased control…
You’ll probably see ‘that’ look of surprise on your partner’s happy face – Then tomorrow you’ll be able to go for longer still
Imagine seeing your lasting time grow day by day… until in just a few short weeks from now, you’ll reach a stage when long-lasting, pounding sex is something you’ll take for granted. In fact, this whole messy problem will soon seem like it was just a bad dream…
Imagine finally beating this problem… and having the confidence to know you can satisfy any woman, every time. This is not a distant dream. This is real, It is something that you can achieve, and it’s something you can start right now…
By ordering this program and following the course you understand that:
Not lasting in bed will no longer be a problem for you.
You will learn how to last so much longer by gaining complete control over your ejaculation, so you can last as long as you desire.
You will be a better lover than 90% of all other men because of your sexual staying power, superior knowledge, and unique abilities.
You have a full 60 days to try this program. The risk is all on me. If for any reason this guide doesn’t help you, I will fully refund your money… no questions asked.
Purchase the most effective solution available for curing premature ejaculation...
By James Robinson
Regular price $99Just $49 for a limited time!
Secure payment – Instant download – Money-back guarantee
Everything is available immediately. You can start right now!
Thanks for taking the time to read this information and educate yourself on how easy it can be to learn the skill of lasting in bed.
I know how difficult it is for a man to experience premature ejaculation and how it affects his relationships and overall confidence.
I understand it’s not easy being in your position. After all, I have been there too…
That’s why I hope that after reading this you will realize that there is hope at the end of the tunnel and that premature ejaculation isn’t something you have to live with.
I have complete faith in this program…
That’s why I know that if you have a genuine desire to last longer in bed it will give you the tools and ability to achieve this goal.
Providing excellent customer service is also very important to me. If you have any questions or need advice please contact me any time.
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Yours Sincerely,
James Robinson
“I must admit that I was skeptical at first, but since I was referred to your program by the American Health Network website, which I trust, I decided to give it a go. All I can say is “Wow”. I didn’t realize there were so many things I could do to last longer in bed. Your book put my entire “problem” into focus. I have gone from lasting under a minute to over 35 minutes, and I’m only three weeks into your course.”
My girlfriend asked me “How are you lasting so long?” “Hi there. Thanks!! I wanted to email you regarding your book Beating premature Ejaculation. My premature ejaculation was behind the breakup of my last relationship, and when I met the girl of my dreams just two months ago my problem had got even worse. I knew I had to make a decision right there and then to do something about it. I purchased your book and started practicing your methods straight away. Last night during sex my girlfriend asked me “How are you lasting so long?”. I never thought I’d live to hear a woman say that! It felt so good. Thanks for everything!” –Lorenzo |
“You have truly helped our relationship” “Hi. I got the program for my boyfriend. I had wanted to talk to him about his premature ejaculation problem for a while but didn’t know how to bring it up. Your book helped me learn a lot about what was happening, and made it easier for me to talk about it with him. He has really improved over the last few weeks since using this guide. Thanks, you have truly helped our relationship” –Casey
“Last night when looking into her eyes I could tell that she was truly satisfied” I have been using your program for just one week and last night I was able to last for 20 minutes, and give my girlfriend an orgasm for the first time. She was very understanding of my problem before and told me she was satisfied, but last night when looking into her eyes I could tell that she was truly satisfied. It was the best feeling. I can’t thank you enough!”
As you can see, this program works. Don’t put up with not being able to last in bed for another day. Take action now and put an end to this problem once and for all.